B E . S T R O N G


Bon voyage my good friend
Bye my good friend..
Have a safe flight and may your mom be fine.
Keep smiling.

May God be on his and his family side and keep them safe.

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Favourite drink

This is my favourite drink.
Homemade fresh lime drink made by Dongdong. 😋

I'm lucky that I have this chance.
I'm grateful for all I have.
I will not be negative anymore.

I know I can be a even better girl I thought I could be.

Never stop improving, never quit trying.

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An apple a day keeps unhappiness away

Thank you for sending the 🍎 to my house. 😊


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Grasping onto the things I learnt.

Doctor says I might need at least 1 year to heal completely.
God knows how hard I am trying to hold on to my soul from feeling anything negative.
Like I'm fighting a battle with the dark demon that wants to devour the whole of me.
And I'm too terrified to even think about anything upset.

Controlling, being in control.

I know I'm doing my best.
Good luck girl.

[ [ × I am not the main actress of a traumatic movie. × ] ]

I will be fine , soon.

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Bruises from my fall after my big fall

This is the record of my "tries".
I'm proud of myself. 😊

I tell myself ,
"I am not a handicapped. I am just having a litttttlleee difficulty to walk freely. "

"I will be fine soon. "

"Keep fighting! "

When my negative emotions break free, I always tell myself,

"OK, relax. Remember what he say? Come on! HUO JING TONG , take a deep breath! "

*breathes deeply *
*breathes deeply slower and slower*
*imagine all the negativity flow out of my mind like powdered air*

I'm not someone near 100%, but I'm definitely someone who work harder than anyone in repairing my inner self. 😊

I complain, I cry, I panic.
But, the time to get out of that current emotion gets shorter as I improve. 😌

[ [ No worries, I will not waste the effort and time you take to talk to me. ] ]

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Deepest gratitude

Thanks for always teaching me so much.

To 🐻, you are a good friend, a good teacher, a good supervisor and a God-like human.

Sometimes you really make me want to roll my eyes.🙄
Did you say something wrong?
Actually, not.
In fact, too real.
Sometimes it gets to me, but I always believe you mean well.
I have never doubted your intentions towards me over the things you say and actions you take.

Indeed, sometimes i feel upset and even can't understand if there was a need for certain action but I learn to get over it.

You once told me,
"if I think it is right, I will do. Even if you are going to hate me, I will still do it. "

This words always float in my mind during the difficult times for my emotions.

I do many reflections again and again. (Almost all the time)

From you, I learn how to handle my emotions..
Trust me, I was still in the midst of going through some issues in my life that upsets me.
And I always replay the things you have told me and taught me during our sunset time and texts sometimes.

You are more than just a colleague to me, you are someone that I treasure.

Sorry if sometimes I may ask for too much.
Sorry if sometimes I talk too much.
Sorry if sometimes I am consumed by negativity.
But, please believe that I really do my very best to apply what you teach me as and when I can even during those difficult moments.
I may not be able to 100% but please know that I have never stop trying💪

You are an example of this phrase.

"Don't give them the fish, teach them how to fish. " 🐠

You have taught me really alot of valuable lessons these times and I am truly grateful. 😊

Thank you.

Through the happy, angry and sad times, you always teach me how to end them positively.

God will definitely take care of you and your family for all the hidden good deeds you have done. 😊

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On my own

I finally manage to get out of the house on my own on my crunches and wheelchair.

To a once-my-favourite-place.

I fell, I climbed up.
I was stucked at the main door.
I hopped to get out of the house.
I push myself in and out of the lift.
I wheeled myself up and down the slope.
I have learnt to manage my expectation.
I expected that my friendships were strong enough for me to rely.
And then I faced disappointments.
Were they wrong?
No. They weren't.
They have their freedom.

Being there for them was my own personal choice.
Wanting them to be there for me was my personal desire.
From the beginning, it was none of their business.

And I learnt this the hard way.

In life, you can rely on no one but yourself.
It's the truth.

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Too much

I guessed I asked for too much.
It's OK.

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